Donations given to missionaries during 2024 |
€627,200 |
Donations given since inception (from 1984 to date) |
€9,193,323 |
Name of missionary |
Country |
Scope of donation |
Amount |
1 |
Fr Richard Ebejer |
Nigeria |
Pastoral work with youths at the House of Theology to aid them in their outreach |
€3,000 |
2 |
Bishop Sandro Overend Rigillo |
Libya |
Aiding seven families with daily needs including school fees as well as pastoral work |
€5,000 |
3 |
Mr & Mrs James Degiorgio |
Lithuania |
Aiding with the social problems in your community as well as evangelization of the people |
€3,000 |
4 |
Bishop Vincent Costa |
Brazil |
Aiding the poor in your community and the seminarians of your Diocese as well as pastoral work |
€5,000 |
5 |
Mr & Mrs Joseph Gatt |
South Korea |
Aiding the poor with basic daily needs for are struggling with life |
€3,000 |
6 |
Sr Marianne Farrugia |
Philippines |
Aiding poor families whom are out of work, to provide for their families as well as providing food to the poorest in the community |
€3,000 |
7 |
Mr & Mrs Mario Borg |
New Mexico |
Making the Church present in your area by Evangelisation at the University NMSU, helping the diocese in pastoral misitry also travelling between parishes and setting up a new community with college students |
€3,000 |
8 |
Mr Tonio Callus |
Kenya |
Assisting as Superior of the community involved in catechetical activities and the SCD Centre |
€3,000 |
9 |
Fr John Farrugia |
Pakistan |
Aiding the poor youths and adults to aattend weekend live ins and other programs for their faith formation. |
€3,000 |
10 |
Sr Mary Rose Muscat |
Israel |
Towards your work with university students, at the kindergarten as well as the orphans at the children’s home |
€3,000 |
11 |
Sr Giovanna Antida Vella |
Israel |
Providing aid at the hospital facitliy for several poor people attending the encology unit |
€3,000 |
12 |
Sr Carmen Cachia |
Brazil |
Aiding poor families with food hampers, medicines and school supplies |
€3,000 |
13 |
Fr Paul Aquilina |
India |
Sponsoring poor children with scholarships to have professional jobs in the future |
€3,000 |
14 |
Sr C. Terenzia Maniscalco |
Philippines |
Towards feeding the less fortunate children and the homeless as well as education for these children |
€3,000 |
15 |
Ms Marcette Buttigieg |
India |
Aiding children and adults with all types of disabilities in the communtiy |
€3,000 |
16 |
Mr Mario Borg |
Kenya |
Towards catholic activities abd the religious formation and instruction of children and youths in schools and the soceity’s centre as well as apostolate duties with local adults |
€3,000 |
17 |
Fr Martin Galea |
Philippines |
Formation of youths in the seminary as well as other pastoral work with the poor on campus and in community |
€3,000 |
18 |
Mr Andrew Cassar |
Peru |
Assisting in the catechetical activities and the faith instruction for children and youths in the SDC Centre and schools |
€3,000 |
19 |
Mr Emanuel Borg |
Peru |
Towards the education as well as the formation and instruction of children and youths in schools and the SDC Centre in Lurin as well as apostolate work |
€3,000 |
20 |
Fr Mark Montello |
Peru |
Pastoral work which includes visiting the sick and elderly attending to the abandoned and orphaned children in the parish as well as the community kitchen |
€3,000 |
21 |
Sr Laetitia Borg |
Ethiopia |
Providing education for needy children & youths, amoung whom are orphans, children with disabilities and other special needs |
€3,000 |
22 |
Sr Marie Louise Grech |
Poland |
Towards working with displaced families by the war in Ukraine as well as the acquirement of a house in Gdansk, to be used as a shelter for abused women |
€3,000 |
23 |
Fr Luqa Azzopardi |
Brazil |
Work with the poor and to help young men recuperate from drug use and other family problems |
€3,000 |
24 |
Fr Garvin Grech |
Argentina |
Towards providing groceries to various soup kitchens on the outskirts of the city to prepare daily meals for 500 people |
€3,000 |
25 |
Bishop Giovanni Cefai |
Perú |
Supporting young children & elderly with food, giving hampers to poor families, buying medicines for the mobile clinic and the building and furnishing of 2 schools |
€5,000 |
26 |
Mr Hector Pickard |
Perú |
Providing shelter and food to handicapped men and children who have been abandoned by their families, also the upkeep of the soup kitchen and medical and educational expenses for the poor |
€3,000 |
27 |
Fr Stephen Magro |
Cuba |
Aiding with social projects with young children with disabilities, persons with mental health problems and the elderly as well as pastoral work in the parish and outskirts of the city |
€3,000 |
28 |
Ms Miriam Bugeja |
Pakistan |
Towards aiding the homeless, especially the mentally sick, as well as providing relief for some prisioners |
€3,000 |
29 |
Sr Josephine Vassallo |
Zambia |
Providing young children with education and other basic needs, also aiding the elderly and other parish work. |
€3,000 |
30 |
A missionary |
India |
Aiding young people of different religions through projects on ‘Leadership’ and ‘Peace Building’ |
€3,000 |
31 |
A missionary |
India |
Aiding in the formation of the younger generation through various projects such as ZeroHunger and #Daretocare, also with sports events called Run4Unity |
€3,000 |
32 |
Fr Damian Formosa |
Tanzania |
Providing opportunities for secondary students to study in a catholic environment, aiding the poor youths and poverty stricken families with essential daily needs |
€3,000 |
33 |
Fr Joseph Cremona |
Philippines |
Aiding with school fees, educational equipment, transport and uniforms as well as aiding students to purchase 1 meal per day whilst at school. |
€3,000 |
34 |
Fr Victor Livori |
Perù |
Aiding the poor with daily needs, also aiding the common kitchens and with purchasing medicines |
€3,000 |
35 |
Mons. Joseph Bonello |
Honduras |
Torwards the formation of the religious and social groups in the community |
€5,000 |
36 |
Bishop Henry J. Balzan |
Chile |
Aiding the poor in your parish with daily needs and food as well as the upkeep of the chapel. Also to aid in the building of toilets and kitchen facilities to aid the poor around the chapel. |
€5,000 |
37 |
Mr Francis Zahra |
Albania |
Establishing a new SDC Centre wherein religious instruction and formation of children and youths may take place within the community as well as religious activities |
€3,000 |
38 |
Mr Paul Aquilina |
Poland |
Towards the education and formation of children and youths in the Poznan community schools and SDC Centre |
€3,000 |
39 |
Mr Rainer Bezzina |
Poland |
Towards the education and formation of children and youths in schools and society’s centre |
€3,000 |
40 |
Mr Charles Camilleri |
Albania |
Assisting as headmaster of the secondary school and the faith formation of children and youths in the community |
€3,000 |
41 |
Mr Warren Vella |
Albania |
To aid in the roll of Superior including coordination of apostilate with children , youths and adults in different centres all limked to two parishes run by Maltese Dominicans. Also to establish a new centre. |
€3,000 |
42 |
Mr Lawrence Cachia |
Albania |
Towards the education and formation of children and youths as well as assisting in meetings and working to establish a new SDC Centre |
€3,000 |
43 |
Mr Mario Bezzina |
Kenya |
Towards the religious instruction and formation of children and youths in schools and amongst adult local and catechetical activities within the diocese also apostolate work in Kiratina |
€3,000 |
44 |
Bishop Angelo Falzon |
Honduras |
Aiding poor families in the community with food and medicines, evangelisation and building materials as well as visiting the sick and other pastoral duties |
€5,000 |
45 |
Fr Anton Grech |
Guatemala |
Aiding 60 families living in Garbaga Village with food and medicine, running costs for the Casta Santa Isabel Home for teenagers whom have suffered abuse, as well as pastoral work in 30 villages. |
€3,000 |
46 |
Fr Andrew Camilleri |
Philippines |
Towards the direction of the Focolare Movement – Indian Sub-Contenent and Philippines. |
€3,000 |
47 |
Mr Hubert Balzan |
Perù |
Towards the religious instruction and formation of children and youths, also aiding local adults with the community as well as apostolate work with local adults |
€3,000 |
48 |
Mr Stephen Zammit |
Cuba |
Towards the religious instruction and formation of children and youths in the communtiy and catechetical activities |
€3,000 |
49 |
Mr Tonio Agius |
Peru |
Towards the education and faith formation of children and youths in schools also apostolate work with local adults |
€3,000 |
50 |
Mr John Mifsud |
Cuba |
Religious instruction and formation of children and youths in the community as well as catechetical activities |
€3,000 |
51 |
Mr Robert Gauci |
Perù |
Towards the religious instruction and formation of children and youths in the community as well as apostolate work with local adults |
€3,000 |
52 |
Miss Rosanne Seychell |
Georgia |
Towards Pastoral work and catechising the people in order to build their faith and restore God in their lives by organising live-ins and other programmes |
€3,000 |
53 |
Fr Bernard Caruana |
Albania |
As acting bishop to provide assistance with educational material expenses and tuition fees for young people wishing to continue their studies at university level |
€5,000 |
54 |
Fr Xavier Cutajar |
Brazil |
Aiding the project called C.P.C.R to help children when they are not at school, also aiding the diocese of Pemba, Mosambique with social work |
€3,000 |
55 |
Sr Anne Savona |
Israel |
Towards aiding people in need especailly the Arab catholic communtiy with medical help, university education of young boys and girls as well as finishing the chapel of Kyriat Yearim |
€3,000 |
56 |
Sr Rose Theresa Sant |
Israel |
Aiding poor families with school tuition fees of there children also aiding christian youths with their future |
€3,000 |
57 |
Sr Annie Catania |
Philippines |
Towards the continued work with the feeding program, Mother’s Livelyhood program and pastoral work which includes food hampers for the poor and medical care. |
€3,000 |
58 |
Fr Joseph Pullicino |
Ethiopia |
The building of twenty rooms and the refurbishing of twenty four new rooms at the Centre |
€3,000 |
59 |
Mons George Bugeja |
Libya |
Aiding African migrants, helping in the Caritas Office as well as the clinic with first aid and medical supplies. Also aiding the church, helping children with school fees and food distribution for neddy families |
€5,000 |
60 |
Sr Frances Farrugia |
Pakistan |
Towards social uplift such as education for girls, installing electricity , clothing, foodstuffs, medical assistance, kitchen utensils, baby cots, water reverse osmosis and housing units |
€3,000 |
61 |
Sr Liliana Borg |
Pakistan |
Aiding the poor and sick with food, clothing and medical assistance. Also providing educational opportunites for poor children to continue their studies |
€3,000 |
62 |
Fr Albert Gauci |
Honduras |
Aiding the elderly, poor and sick. Also catering for the wellbeing of orphaned children in the parish |
€3,000 |
63 |
Fr Hector Attard |
Philippines |
Aiding the the formation of young MSSP Seminarians at the Internation House of Fotmation as well as the leadership of the community in the Philippines |
€3,000 |
64 |
Sr Miriam Cassar |
Johannesburg |
Aiding the poor people to earn a living by selling homemade goods. Also aiding children in their studies |
€3,000 |
65 |
Sr Lutgarda Camilleri |
Ethiopia |
Providing assistance in the cost of running the Children’s Home wih medical expenses, food and educational fees |
€3000 |
66 |
Sr Mary Celina Cini |
Philippines |
Aiding students to finish their education and continue to college. Also providing work placements at a poultry farm to those who have difficulty finding a job |
€3,000 |
67 |
Sr Maria Borda |
Tanzania |
Aid and care of antenatal and postnatal mothers and children, providing medicines at the clinic, fuel to be able to aid women in remote villages as well as upkeep of the Dispensary |
€3,000 |
68 |
Fr James A. Borg |
Pakistan |
The Evangelisation of English and Urdu speaking families, aiding with school fees for the poor children, administering of the Holy Communion to the sick and general upkeep for the Redemptoirs Mater Seminary. |
€3,000 |
69 |
Fr Stephen Mifsud |
Philippines |
Aiding the educational program, transportation and supplies also aiding with food, medicines and catechism |
€3,000 |
70 |
Fr Gerard Bonello |
Pakistan |
Aiding young people in the community to continue with their higher education as well as the running of the Boys High School |
€3,000 |
71 |
Fr Geoffrey Bugeja |
Albania |
Aiding the poor with providing facilities, educational equipment and study materials as well as university and college fees. |
€3,000 |
72 |
Fr Paul Mercieca |
Brazil |
Aiding with religious formation of the poor in the community in preparation for the sacrements. Also for the reforming and construction of chapels and community centres |
€3,000 |
73 |
Fr Mario Micallef |
Perù |
Aiding the poor in the parish villages with food, medical assistance and educational fees in order for them to live with dignity |
€3,000 |
74 |
Fr George Scerri Abela |
Perù |
Aiding with daily essential needs and school supplies for families in the community |
€3,000 |
75 |
Sr Josephine Borg |
Perù |
Assisting the poor children of your community with education by paying school fees, uniforms and study materials |
€3,000 |
76 |
Sr Valerie Borg |
Israel |
Towards organising the fortifying of the boundary fence of the Kyriat Yearim Sanctuary. |
€3,000 |
77 |
Sr Monica Pullicino |
Greece |
Aiding the poor elderly within the parish with day to day material needs in the community |
€3,000 |
78 |
Dr Ritienne Ciappara |
Greece |
Aiding the poor elderly within the parish with day to day material needs in the community |
€3,000 |
79 |
Donations given to 94 missionaries |
€94,000 |
80 |
Fr Richard Ebejer (Nigeria) Fr Sandro Overend Rigillo (Libya) Bishop Vincent Costa (Brazil) Fr John Farrugia (Pakistan) Fr Paul Aquilina (India) Fr Martin Galea (Philippines) Fr Mark Montebello (Perú) Fr Luqa Azzopardi (Brazil) Fr Garvin Grech (Argentina) Bishop Giovanni Cefai (Perú) Fr Stephen Magro (Cuba) Fr Damian Formosa (Tanzania) Fr Joseph Cremona (Philippines) Fr Victor Livori (Perù) Bishop. Joseph Bonello (Honduras) Bishop Angelo Falzon (Honduras) Fr Anton Grech (Guatemala) Fr Andrew Camilleri (Philippines) Fr Bernard Caruana (Albania) Fr Joseph Pullicino (Ethiopia) Mons George Bugeja (Libya) Fr Albert Gauci (Honduras) Fr Hector Attard (Philippines) Fr James A. Borg (Pakistan) Fr Stephen Mifsud (Philippines) Fr Gerard Bonello (Pakistan) Fr Geoffrey Bugeja (Albania) Fr Paul Mercieca (Brazil) Fr Mario Micallef (Perù) Fr George Scerri Abela (Perù) |
The sum of €1,000 is given to each missionary towards the celebration of the Holy Eucharist for the repose of the Mission Fund benefactors and their families |
€30,000 |
81 | Capuchin Franciscan Order | Zambia |
Building of school |
€134,000 |
82 | Bishop Giovanni Cefai | Perú | Building of school (from marathon funds) | €45,000 |
83 | Fr Joseph Camilleri | Guatemala | Building of houses for poor families | €5,200 |
84 | A missionary | India | Building of Shanta Ashram Children training centre |
€10,000 |
85 | Fr Christopher Bugeja | Perù |
€5,000 |
86 | Fr Stephen Magro | Cuba | Building of child care centre |
€10,000 |
87 | Fr Joseph Pullicino | Ethiopia | For the refurbishment of the Galilee Retreat Centre |
€10,000 |
88 |
Sr Maria Borda MMM | Tanzania | €25,000 | |
89 | Fr Joseph Cremona | Philippines | For the drilling of a borehole |
€10,000 |